
BreakFasting with Secret Recipes Caramel Pudding!

Owh... you should try our Secret Recipes Caramel Pudding!

Cause it has different taste compared to other caramel puddings out there!!! 

Are you SURE?
Yess! Because we've received so many repeating orders & new customers!!!

Why not ORDER now and serve your family for BERBUKA PUASA EVENT!!!

100 % Guaranteed : super duper DELICIOUS & You'll not regret it et all!!!


Buy 1 for RM40.00/pudding*
Buy 2 for RM75.00/two puddings*
*(exclude delivery)

Thank you for your Support!

Thank you very much for all the supports from OCD regular customers!
Many thanks to those who keep trusting us.

Red Velvet Cupcakes for wedding events and Secret Recipes Caramel Puddings for office functions.

Thank you again for all your support & please do keep stay with us!


Hey! Our Cakes Diary is BACK!

Salam to all readers & followers!

Its been a while I left this delicious blog! Well, no matter what the reasons behind it, I still keep this blog with a determination to updating it ONE DAY! wee-hoo..

Okay, before I proceed, let us check it out what was happened over past 1 year of my ''missing in action"..

Taraaa.. a new family member was born in April'2012. My son; Nadeem Nabawi Bin Khairul Zulfadli. Alhamdulillah for everything Ya Allah!

Some pictures to share:-