
Keep Learning and Learning

Yup. Agree with the above title.
Even though my macarons not turn out well, I will not turning back!
For those who has experienced on preparing the macarons, batches by batches we have to keep trying to make the perfect ones.
Sometimes, I keep on feeling dissatisfaction since my own macarons failed (with no feet!). I hate this feeling. But the addiction is keep growing.....
Very true on what has been said by Jill Collona; Mad About Macs..

I bought this book since there are so many recipes here. 

See, the WARNING! hahha... its true.

OMG! the colorful Macarons. My eyes keep drooling & looks tempting!
Okay, time to sleep now. Tomorrow night, I will start baking another 2 batches of macs again. I hope everything goes well. Insha Allah. I will keep trying & trying... please.. I want the 'feet' and good texture..ameen


Macs Maniac

Today afternoon, I'm thinking of preparing the macs again. Last weekend, all my macarons went wrong! Suspected because of the oven! Its OK. Trying is part of Achieving! Okay. Pray for the good news yea! Wslm.


The Luxury Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese 2nd Version

Okay. I am pleased to share with you on the final outcome of my Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese... Here we go..

The taste is different. You should try.

For my sister in law. 

The Luxury Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese

Since today we've been advised to stay at home only..due to "Bersih Rally", I've made decision to try my luck to bake this luxury cake named: Red Velvet Cake. I browse the recipe from Foodnetwork.com. Alhamdulillah it turn out well. 

With my lil helper; Khayra Daleela, she is most eager than me to work on this recipe. Okay, share with you all the snaps during my preparation today...

The Lil Helper; Chef Khayra
The Red Velvet Mixture

Baking Time
The baked cake.
I did it layer by layer
The very smooth cake
Apply the Cream Cheese between the layer
Another snap that I love to share
Whole cake after applied with Cream Cheese. 
I shall share with you on the taste and how it looks after cut it...Cause I am still waiting my hubby up there.. not wake up yet.... haha... Till then, bye & Wassalam.